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Large Conveyor Chain

In several industries, including automobile manufacturing, metallurgy, cement, sugar factories, mines, power generation, port machinery, etc., large conveyor chains are essential mean for material conveyance.

It is not easy to manufacture good large size conveyor chains. The challenge faced by the supplier is not just manufacturing capacity, quality and delivery time. It is critical to have in-depth understanding of the customer's operating conditions and combine the supplier's comprehensive capabilities to provide users with high-value products and solutions. Incorrect products and solutions will significantly elevate customers’ unplanned downtime and safety issue occurrence.

During the process of serving the customers in the automotive, steel, grain & oils, cement and other industrial sectors with the best solutions to meet their needs with effective improvements to their production efficiency and reduce non-fault related downtime, Hengjiu Group flexibly applies our numerous technologies in lubrication-free, impact resistance, corrosion resistance, high and low temperature resistance, high strength, etc… in accordance with industry advancements and project requirements.

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